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Termites in Kansas

Worker Termites

Eastern Subterranean Termites

Eastern subterranean termites, or Reticulitermes flavipes, are social insects that organize into very functional colony structures. For instance, each colony member or caste performs very specific and specialized functions for the overall success of the colony. Moreover, eastern subterranean termite (EST) colonies are made up of three castes – workers, soldiers, and reproductives. Workers are 3 mm long and king and queen termites are 3/8 to 1/2 inch long.

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The workers are the cream-colored caste that consumes cellulose and feeds the colony.

The soldiers are about ¼ inch-long protectors of the colony. Further, soldiers are equipped with large jaws that they use to combat colony intruders.

The alates are winged termites or “swarmers” that leave the colony to establish new colonies. For example, the male and female alates leave the colony in the Spring; mate after leaving the colony; construct a new colony, and then become the primary king and queen of this new colony.

The reproductive caste is made up of the primary queens and males (kings) that stay within the colony for life. In addition, the secondary reproductives are important during times of colony stress or conditions unfavorable to the success of the colony.

Alate queens and kings are black or dark brown, about 3/8 to a half-inch long, and have two pairs of wings that are lost after a termite swarm. Generally, the appearance of swarmers or their shed wings is the first sign of a problem with eastern subterranean termites.

Behavior, Diet, Habits

Termites are the most destructive pests in the U.S., causing billions of dollars in damage annually. ESTs consume wood, but also will feed on and damage almost anything that contains cellulose such as pages of books and other papers.

Further, EST workers are not able to digest cellulose on their own and depend on microorganisms that reside in the worker termite’s gut to break down the cellulose into nutrients that workers feed to the other castes within the colony. In addition, ESTs establish their colonies underground, and the workers then use networks of tunnels located both above and below ground to search for cellulose.

Termite workers are constantly foraging for food. Therefore, when a food source is located the workers communicate the location by depositing complex odors called pheromones along trails.

Above ground foraging also takes place, and the typical termite mud tube must be constructed during the process. Moreover, the mud tube’s purpose is to protect the workers as they explore new sources of food and travel back and forth with the food (cellulose) they bring back to nourish other colony members.

There are numerous termite species native to the United States. For instance, Eastern subterranean termites (Reticulitermes flavipes) are a subterranean species found in the Wichita area as well as into the South and on the East Coast. These insects can have a large economic impact on homeowners due to their dense distribution.

Eastern subterranean termites are social insects, using their collective might to accomplish large-scale tasks. Established infestations can range from 5,000 to millions of insects and are divided into three castes in any given colony. Workers are responsible for food and maintenance, while soldiers use their oversized mandibles to protect their colonies. Reproductive termites, known as kings and queens, ensure that colonies grow in population.

Signs of Infestation

Before purchasing a home, a termite inspection is often required by lenders. After home purchase, it’s a good idea to continue annual inspections while taking precautionary measures for termite control. Signs of an infestation include:

  • Finding shed swarmer wings or winged swarmers around windows, patio doors, or other sources of light.

  • The presence of mud tubes.

  • Wood material in the home appears to be soft, easily penetrated, rippled, peeling, or bubbled.

If you notice any of these signs, contact Betts Pest Control for treatment right away.